Sunday, March 11, 2007

Virtual PC 2007 & Linux Sound

Musings, Ramblings, and the Occasional Useful Information - Linux Sound in Virtual PC 2007

"As mentioned in my last posting on OpenSuse 10.2 in Virtual PC 2007, I could not get sound to work.  After just installing Mandriva 2007, I encountered the exact same problem.  After a little research, I found the answer here:


As I have already deleted my OpenSuse VPC image, I wasn't able to test and see if it worked, but I can confirm that sound works in Mandriva 2007 (within Virtual PC 2007) with the above steps...."

It's been a bit since I've played with Linux VPC's, but I'm sure I'll get the bug again in the future...

Related Past Post XRef:
Virtual PC 2004, Ubuntu and Video Display Issues
[tip] Knoppix cheat code for Virtual PC Video

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