Thursday, May 15, 2008

Office Live Workspace Office Addin v1.1 Released

Microsoft Downloads - Office Live Update 1.1


The Office Live Update 1.1 installs (1) performance updates to make using Office Live Workspace with Microsoft Office programs faster, (2) the latest Office Live Add-in for Microsoft Office that enables you to access your workspaces directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and (3) the Multiple Document Upload Tool.

The Office Live Update 1.1 auto-detects and installs these necessary updates to ensure optimum performance:

...[GD: A number of Vista updates]...

The Office Live Add-in adds new menu options in the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite and a toolbar in Microsoft Office XP and Office 2003. You will be able to open documents located in Office Live Workspace directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You will also be able to save files directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to Office Live Workspace.

The Multiple Document Upload Tool lets you add multiple documents to a workspace at once and even allows users to drag and drop files directly from their desktop.


I've been digging My Office Live Workspace recently...

I keep a running log of my exercise, calorie and fat intake in an Excel spreadsheet to help me change my eating habits (which has helped me go from 270 in 11/2007 to 225 today). Keeping it in a workspace makes it very easy to keep it up to date no matter where I am, work or home. As long as I've got Excel available, I can keep my log up to date... And as you all know, if it's not easy, it's hard (and thereby likely not done... ;).

Being able to directly access my Workspace from within Excel is great and makes it as easy as if the file were local... If you're using Workspace and Office, this add-in is a must.

The one thing I'm unsure of is how all these Microsoft web storage spaces will be drawn together. I have a Mesh, Workspace, SkyDrive, MSN Folders, Hotmail, etc, etc. I'm hoping that these are integrated at some point in the future.

Yes, they all have somewhat different purposes, but still I'd like to see some cross-service integration. I want to be able to access my SkyDrive from my Workspace, Mesh from SkyDrive, Workspace from Mesh, etc. I really like choice, but you and I both know not all of these are going to stand the test of time. IMHO Mesh will be king, and the rest folding into it someway (using the platform that is Mesh for their storage maybe, etc)...

Anyway, time to reboot so the setup for this addin can finish...


Related Past Post XRef:
Office Live Workspace Update for Windows Vista
Microsoft Office Live Workspace Beta now available for everyone
First update for Office Live Workspaces released

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