Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting PowerShell on Windows Server 2008 Server Core

Dmitry’s PowerBlog: PowerShell and beyond - PowerShell on Server Core

"Below is a step-by-step instruction on installing Windows PowerShell on Windows Server 2008 in Server Core mode.

Note that these are in no way official or supported by Microsoft. Microsoft is working on official version of .NET and PowerShell for Server Core installations, so eventually you will be able to get this fully supported. Until then below are the instructions you can use at your own risk, etc., etc.


Below are the steps you can take to create packages of these tools which can be installed. Basically the whole procedure consists of just four main steps:

  1. Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages (required for .NET).
  2. Installing .NET 2.0 SP1
  3. Installing PowerShell.
  4. Jumping around the computer and shouting “I’ve got it!”

So let’s get started!


#4 made me laugh. When I get stuff to work I usually do the "Happy Dance" ... LOL

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