Thursday, August 28, 2008

Inside EvNet Screencast(s) – Meet some of the people behind the Channel 9 code…

Channel 9 - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 1

“You asked. We deliver. Meet the developers behind Channel 9 (and 8, 10, Edge and Mike Samspon, Erik Porter, Duncan Mackenzie and Nathan Heskew are the super talented devs who built C9 V4. Unlike the older versions of Channel 9, V4 is a completely new codebase. Gone are the days of stitching together half-baked technologies (though, they did scale and Bryn and I deserve some credit for that! ).

EvNet, which is the codebase that powers all of our channels, was written from the ground up. How is the codebase designed? What's the architecure? What did each developer work on? What were some of the challenges? Who are these geniuses, anyway? This is part one of the great conversation with the folks who build and innovate Channel 9. Tune in.” [Description leached in full]

Channel 9 - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 2

“EvNet, which is the codebase that powers all of our channels, was written from the ground up. How is the codebase designed? What's the architecure? What did each developer work on? What were some of the challenges? Who are these geniuses, anyway? This is part two of the great conversation with the awesome folks who build and innovate Channel 9 (and several other web sites). Tune in” [Description leached in full]

90 minute cast (Part 1:49 & Part2:41), which is a conversation, chat, BS (in the good way) session with the dev team behind Channel 9, 10, 8, Edge, MicrosoftPDC. If you’re interested in these sites, this is a good cast to catch…

(via WF Channel9 Videos, Screencasts, and Podcasts - Building Channel 9: Inside EvNet - Part 1)


Related Past Post XRef:
Do you like Microsoft’s Channel 8, 9, 10, TechNet Edge and Mix Online sites? Did you know the source for those sites is available? Yep, you too, with a little work, can could have your own Channel XYZ like site…

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