Friday, August 29, 2008

The Internet Explorer Compatibility Images (VPC VHD) updated – Now with a IE8 Beta 2 VHD (and expire dates of 01/09)

Microsoft Downloads - Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image


Version: 4.0
Date Published: 8/28/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 421.7 MB - 3333.6 MB*

This download page contains four separate VPC images, depending on what you want to test.

  • IE6-XPSP3_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE6 VHD file
  • IE7-XPSP2_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP2 with IE7 VHD file
  • IE8B2-XPSP3_VPC.exe contains a Windows XP SP3 with IE8 Beta 2 VHD file
  • IE7-VIS1.exe+IE7-VIS2.rar+IE7-VIS3.rar contain a Vista Image with IE7 VHD file.

This VPC image will expire in January, 2009.


And I was going to ask on twitter yesterday if there was a IE8 Beta 2 VHD yet… :)


Related Past Post XRef:
The IE8 VPC - IE8 the easy way
WinXP IE6 & WinXP IE7 VPC Images
WinXP SP2 IE6 VPC Image Refreshed
WinXP SP2 IE6 VPC Image

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