Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blacklight – The Silverlight UX code sharing project (aka “Mass hysteria, Developers and Designers living (in the UX) together…”)


What is Blacklight?

Blacklight is a UX focused code sharing project. Microsoft has released a bunch of technologies that allow designers and developers to work closely together to make beautiful software. This project is a collection of controls, samples, visual assets and ideas that has been put together by User Experience designers and developers to both show you what the technology is capable of (from a UX point of view), and give you code and samples that you can use in your own projects, completely free of charge (see the License tab above). Check out the showcase to see what is currently available...

What technologies are currently supported by Blacklight?

Currently, our controls, samples and showcase are built in Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Over time we will add more stuff for WPF, ASP.NET AJAX, XNA, Windows Mobile, Surface etc.

Who should use Blacklight?

Blacklight is intended for designers and developers using Microsoft's rich UI technologies. Whether you are after a specific control or visual asset or are interested in how we put something together, just grab the latest release and use as you wish!


Blacklight - v0.1 (Launch release)


Release Notes

This is the launch release of Blacklight.Silverlight. This release works for Silverlight 2 Beta 2 and includes 3 projects...
- Blacklight.Silverlight.Controls: The main silverlight controls project.
- Blacklight.Silverlight.Demo: The showcase application.
- Blacklight.Sivlerlight.Web: The web project for hosting the demo application.
See the showcase here:


- AnimatedContentControl: a base class for content controls whos size and position can be animated using some helper methods. (
- MediaPlayer: a simple media player I built for use on my blog.
- DragDockPanel / DragDockPanelHost: panel controls for creating a dashboard style layout. (
- OuterGlowBorder: A border style control that draws an outer glow around the outside with properties to change the appearance.
- WebLink: A text block style control that underlines on hover, and navigates to a web Url.


blacklight showcase



I am all about leveraging the skills of others to make my stuff look good… Look, why reinvent the wheel when you can just steal someone else's? (err… um… I mean… um… yeah… ;)

(via Martin Grayson: Adventures of a 'Devigner' - Introducing Blacklight - our new (Silverlight) CodePlex project)

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