Thursday, September 18, 2008

SlickEdit Tools 2.0.3 Released (aka the SVN goodness release)

SlickEdit -SlickEdit Tools 2.0.3 is now available

“Enhancements in SlickEdit Tools v2.0.3

* Subversion libraries have been updated to version 1.5.0.
* Added SSL support to SVN client for accessing repositories under https:// protocol.
* Added a directory filter to DIFFzilla for performing directory comparisons,  which allows you to exclude source control admin directories. Defaults are  .svn and CVS.
* Fixes to Visualizations and File History in the Versioning Toolbox.
* Improvements to support sharing Code Annotations between SlickEdit 2008 and SlickEdit Tools Editing Toolbox.” [Post leached in full]

Some nice tweaks if your using the SVN functionality (like say with CodePlex SVN…  ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
SlickEdit Tools 2.0.2 Released
SlickEdit Releases two new Toolboxes, the Editing and Versioning Toolboxes


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