Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clarius T4 Editor 1.0 RTMs

GarethJ's WebLog - Clarius' T4 Editor ships V1.0

Victor pinged me to say that Clarius had launched their eagerly-awaited T4 editor for Visual Studio.

That's pretty exciting news for all those of use who edit T4 templates on a daily basis - that's almost everyone these days, right? ;-)



The Community Edition is still free, with the Professional version available for $99.



I have a number of T4 related posts queued up to reblog about, as I think this is a hidden gem within Visual Studio, one that not enough people know about let alone take advantage of…


Related Past Post XRef:
Interested in template based code generation? Own Visual Studio 2008? Then guess what? You already have one... Say hello to the Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4)

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