Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CodePlex via SVN (For real, no local client bridge/proxy is required anymore…)

CodePlex Weblog - CodePlex launches support for TortoiseSVN

“CodePlex is now offering server support for SvnBridge, the tool that enables TortoiseSVN to talk to Team Foundation Server. Support for Subversion has been our number one requested feature, and by hosting SvnBridge, our users can now use their favorite Subversion client with any project.

Our first versions of SvnBridge have required client-side installations, meaning that TortoiseSVN users first had to install and run SvnBridge prior to interacting with the CodePlex source code repository. Having to start the SvnBridge software prior to every session has been the primary cause of dissatisfaction with our TortoiseSVN support.

Starting today, TortoiseSVN will just work as illustrated below, no extra software is necessary to work with CodePlex.

Setting up TortoiseSVN to use CodePlex

For users experienced with using TortoiseSVN, it is as simple as knowing the URL to use.



Okay, that’s just cool. The CodePlex team just keeps the hits rolling.

I use CodePlex because it’s really just drop dead easy to use it from within Visual Studio. I mean why not use it? This update will broaden CodePlex’s appeal, opening it to a wider development audience while lowering the barrier to entry.

Thanks to Scott for the heads up on this. I had thought this was related to the older SVN stuff from CodePlex and didn’t realize this was a new server only, no-local install/proxy/bridge implementation until he brought it up and made me take a closer look at it.

(also via DotNetKicks - CodePlex launches support for TortoiseSVN)

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