Tuesday, September 30, 2008

FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite – First Non-Beta Release (and request for help…)

FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite - 3.5.11640.0 (30 Sep 08)


Release Notes

This is the latest and first non-beta release of the FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite.

The suite may be installed via the MSI installer (recommended) or download the individual components.

The MSI Installer contains everything you need --- binaries, samples and help file.


CodePlex - FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite

“Project Description
Welcome to the FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite. Here you will find a collection of MSBuild tasks dedicated to the .Net 3.5 Framework.

The Suite provides over 170 tasks covering the .Net Framework, BizTalk, FxCop, IIS7, SourceSafe, StyleCop, Team Foundation Server, WMI and more.

30 September 2008: Would you like to help out? --- additional developers are required to help with new task development and the future design and development of the suite. If you are interested, please email feedback@freetodev.com with a bit about yourself and how you would like to help out. Your details will be kept in strictest confidence.


If you are a budding programmer and are looking to get some “real” experience, then working on a open source project can be prefect. As a hiring manager, this is one of the first things I look for in a developer. Are they a member of, or have their own, open source project? If so they get a Developer+4 bonus… If not, and they are a junior/associate and are trying to break into the field, I wonder why not. Maybe they didn’t know about appropriate projects or were afraid, etc. Well here’s a project that is actively looking for YOUR help. Yes, I am looking at you!

Sorry, I got a little fired up there (must those old National Guard pictures my mine I’ve going through…lol). In any case, this cool project as reached “non-beta” status. One of the coolest things is that there’s pretty darn good doc’s (CHM) in the release. Much better than you find in many OSS projects…

So stop reading already and check it out… ;)


Related Past Post XRef:
New (beta) MSBuild Tasks Suite - FreeToDev MSBuild Tasks Suite

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