Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I was so young then… Pictures of when I was in the National Guard…

These were taken when I was in the National Guard, during one two week “summer camp”. I think this was Summer Camp 1992 at Camp Roberts, Ca.

Yep, that’s me. Love that hair cut?



My squad, hard at work… lol (Actually my team was great and busted their butt’s… when it was needed).



As you can see the accommodations were outstanding. Got to love “the field”. Heck at least we had cots!



During summer camp there would be ton’s of things going on, mock battles, etc. Not sure why we grabbed a pic of this helicopter from our Hummer, but since it was in the pile…



At the end of summer camp we get to spend a few days cleaning up in the barracks and while there on post, we of course take pictures of each other near “cool stuff”. Nope, that wasn’t mine, nor ever flew in one… Just thought it was cool.  :)



See those barracks in the background? Yeah, we “got” to live in those for a few days… um… yeah… Anyway, here’s a couple pictures of some cool World War II vehicles




What I need to find are the pictures of me and my friends when I was stationed in South Korea while in the Army (1986-87). LMAO, now those are some pictures! LOL


Related Past Post XRef:
Before and After Photo’s… Scary Greg and Good Greg

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, Greg! Ahh, the National Guard, I used to entertain the notion of joining up until I realized that in this day and age I'd probably wind up getting blown up in Iraq. Thanks for sharing.


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