Sunday, September 07, 2008

Using Visual Studio to debug a Mono process running on Linux

Miguel de Icaza's web log - Using Visual Studio to Debug Mono

“The following screenshots shows Visual Studio debugging a remote Mono process running on a Linux box.


Breakpoints, current line, and stack traces.

The setup works like this: you run a debugging server on Linux. On Windows you install a Visual Studio extension that provides a Debugging Engine and the configuration tools to start your application.

Then you start your application from Visual Studio (Tools/Launch with Mono) which will send the binaries and debug information over to Linux and execute it.


Is it just me or does this seem magical? Man, that’s just officially pretty cool…

Interesting how cross machine/process/etc debugging has improved in the last few years. Like the breakpoint, trace, debugging of SilverLight 2 apps running on a Mac and on my Zune and XBox360, etc.

(via tweet from Jon Galloway)

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