Sunday, September 07, 2008

Want to have a contest/drawing/give-away/thing on your blog, but don’t want the management/selection/admin headache? Then the ContestMachine might just be what you are looking for…

TechCrunch - ContestMachine: A Product Giveaway Widget For Bloggers

“Giving away products can be a logistical pain. For instance, when we give away a T-shirt or laptop, we have to go through hundreds of comments, contact the person, and do a lot of manual processing. A new Y Combinator startup called ContestMachine that just launched makes giving stuff away as easy as putting a widget on your blog.

You create a contest widget by entering all the details of the giveaway: prizes, deadlines, rules. Winners can be randomly chosen by ContestMachine or judged by the blogger. It automates the process of creating giveaways, and opens up contests to any blogger or small business who has a Website. The service is free to try out for up to two contests a month, and then charges $9 a month or $90 a year for more contests.




Run a contest or giveaway on your blog or website. We handle it all, from collecting entries to choosing and contacting winners…”

Now if only I had some cool Greg’s Cool Thing of the Day swag thing to give away… LOL.

Let’s look around the office here, what can I give away (oh the pain… must keep it all! Yes, my precious, must keep it all!  ;)


Okay, I have three of these, I guess I can give one away… ;)

Enter in to the random drawing below, running from today to mid day next Saturday, where one luckily winner will get this many of a kind figurine! Yes, it has nothing to do with this blog, but hey I have three, and want to try out the ContestMachine, so here you go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg,

    This is Pam from Pass It On Plates and I stumbled across your blog while looking for other blogs that announce giveaways.
    Huh. Good idea!

    I entered to try it out and may put that widget on my site for my giveaways. Thanks!

    Plus, your blog is pretty darned interesting. I think I'll be back for more.

    -Pam Hawk
    Pass It On Plates


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