Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Excel 2007 Limit List - How Accountants will love you, Excel, and EDD Professionals will hate you

Arvin's blog - Some Excel 2007 limitation

“Here is a list of all of the major changes we made to Excel 12 in the area of limits.

The total number of available columns in Excel
Old Limit: 256  (2^8)
New Limit: 16k  (2^14)

The total number of available rows in Excel
Old Limit: 64k  (2^16)
New Limit: 1M  (2^20)


Arvin’s list is perfect. Simple and too the point.

Needless to say it, as a EDD (Electronic Data Discovery) professional, made me cry… The first time you see a single XLS explode into 25,000+ pages/images/tiff’s and realize that THAT was with 2003’s limits, well, that’s when you break out the tissue paper. 64K rows in 2003 and in 2007 “one million rows…” said in my best Dr Evil voice. Oh my…

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