Friday, October 03, 2008

TFS Build Status Screen – A quick window on your TFS Team Build Status (i.e. If you don’t have a Build Bunny or Build Lamp, then…)

Visual Studio Gallery - TFS Build Status Screen

“This is a tool for Team Foundation Server that allows users to see the current status of their builds.  This can be installed on any machine that has Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Explorer installed on it.  This application was intended to be installed on a machine that is connected to 1 or more large LCD screens that are mounted throughout the work environment so that everyone can see.  It can also be installed on an end user machine if desired.

Build%20Screen%20Shot_thumb[Description leached in full]

Rob Aquila's Blog - Team Foundation Server Build Notification Screen

“I have been working on an application that will allow people to quickly look at a screen and determine the current status of the builds running in Team Foundation Server 2008.  This is an idea based off of having a lamp attached to your continuous build process so that everyone knows the current build status by looking at the current color of the lamp.  Besides using luminous devices, people have been using a rabbit called Nabaztag.  Basically the purpose of this device is to translate text into a spoken voice that everyone can hear.  Brian the Build Bunny is an example of using the Nabaztag API along with Team Foundation Sever to announce its events.

Lamps work well but there is an issue when there are multiple builds running at one time and you want to view each build's individual status.  The application I created builds on top of these ideas and allows people to quickly see the status of multiple builds simultaneously.  It can also be hooked up to your Nabaztag to announce build status changes.  …


I’ve already downloaded, installed and am running this as it solves a problem I have. I have email alerts setup (and they actually work now.. yeah! ;) which are good for seeing the flow of TFS Project things as they change, build, etc, but the build notices can get lost in the mail, so to speak.

I’ve wanted a “build lamp” like thing (well really a Build Bunny… ;) but we have a number of builds going on and those things require a little more setup and cost than I’m ready to commit. I just wanted a simple form/window/screen that makes it really easy to see the status of our builds.

And low and behold, I see the TFS Build Status Screen!


The setup is smooth and easy. As you install, you’ll be prompted for the TFS Server, Port (which will already be defaulted to the usual 8080) and TFS Project Name. Fill those in, finish the setup and that’s it. You’re ready to run it.

My only wish is that I wish the source were available, so I could review, help and tweak it as need be (yes, I’m contacting the author right now… ;)

In any case, it worked first time for me and my projects does exactly what it says it does and for the price is just right…


Related Past Post XRef:
Building your own Brian the Build Bunny
Brian the TFS Build Bunny - That's just wrong... but in all the right ways...


  1. There is a similar project on CodePlex: Team Build Screen Saver, which displays the status of multiple builds simultaneously - including test results.

  2. There is also a project called BuildWatcher available at The application is designed for use on big screens to give an overview of the status of multiple projects.

  3. Team Build Screen 1.2.0 has been released which includes a number of bug fixes as well as the ability to have older builds appear faded, providing an indication of how recent they are.


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