Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Silverlight Spy for Silverlight 2 – RTM Support and new UI Automation feature (think automated testing)

First Floor Blog - Silverlight Spy for Silverlight 2

Silverlight Spy version is available and includes support for Silverlight 2 RTW, the version Microsoft released today (Tuesday, October 14). Among a number of bug fixes this Spy version provides a couple of new features such as support for UI automation and various browser improvements.


Silverlight Spy is compatible with Silverlight 2 Beta 2 and Silverlight 2 RTW applications. Compatibility with Beta 2 will be dropped somewhere in the future. New features added to the Spy will not necessarily work with Beta 2 applications.

UI Automation

New to Silverlight Spy is support for UI automation. UI automation in Silverlight 2 provides accessibility features and can be used for automated testing as well. Silverlight Spy exposes the automation attached dependency properties on all framework elements. And Silverlight Spy implements a UI Automation client which allows you to browse the UI Automation tree of your Silverlight application. …


The cool SilverLight Spy gets upgraded to support RTM as well as a cool new feature. Click through for the complete list of updates and fixes…


Related Past Post XRef:
Silverlight Spy – See what that Silverlight application is really all about…

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