Thursday, October 16, 2008

A pocket guide I hope you never need, but probably will… The E-Discovery Pocket Guide from the California Bar

EDD Update - California Bar Puts "New" EDD Standard of Professional Conduct in Writing

“It's always a pleasure to hear from my Bay Area buddy, Richard Best.  Commissioner Best served the San Francisco Superior Court for almost thirty years and now functions as a private judge and discovery referee.  But, I think more people know Richard for his longtime missionary work spreading the gospel of forensic technology and civil discovery.

Richard reports that the Litigation Section of the State Bar of California sent a copy of its "E-Discovery Pocket Guide" to its 10,000 members and every California judge.  With such wide distribution by the Bar and its strong language listing concepts litigators "must" understand, I wondered whether it sets a new floor of professional responsibility for Golden State attorneys.  …

… But even if the pocket guide doesn't set a new floor for professional conduct, its wide distribution and pointed exposition of essential knowledge is sure to have lawyers lax about EDD walking on eggshells. …

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As a pocket guide it’s only two pages, but if you get involved in an e-discovery situation you’ll need all the information you can get and if you don’t know what you don’t know then this guide may come in handy.

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