Thursday, October 16, 2008

XNA Game Studio 3.0 RTM/RTW October 30th, 2008

XNA Creators Club - XNA GS Goes Live October 30th

“By now you may have heard that The New Xbox Experience (NXE) will go live globally on November 19, 2008! Xbox LIVE Community Games is a new channel within NXE and will launch in the US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, and Spain at the same time. We're currently working to include even more countries at launch or shortly after so stay tuned for even more parts of the world to go live.

In addition, independent game developers will be happy to know that XNA Game Studio 3.0 will be available for download on October 30, 2008 so they can to convert their creations and prepare them to be a part of the launch of Xbox LIVE Community Games on November 19.” [Post leached in full]

Oh may, the last week in October is going quite the release week for developers… Win7, XNA4, Mesh SDK and all the other magical stuff from PDC… wow.

(via Machaira's Space - XNA GS 3.0 to hit soon)


Related Past Post XRef:
XNA Game Studio 3.0 CTP Available (Get your Zune Gaming on! :)

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