Thursday, October 09, 2008

SQL Server FileStream Whitepaper – A DBA/IT focused FILESTREAM paper

In Recovery… - SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM whitepaper published on MSDN

“Just found out that the 25-page FILESTREAM whitepaper I wrote recently for the SQL team has been published on MSDN.

Here's the table of contents.

  • Introduction
  • Choices for BLOB Storage
  • Overview of FILESTREAM
    • Dual Programming Model Access to BLOB Data
    • When to Use FILESTREAM
  • Configuring Windows for FILESTREAM
    • Hardware Selection and Configuration
    • Physical Storage Layout
    • RAID Level Choice
    • Drive Interface Choice
    • NTFS Configuration
      • Optimizing NTFS Performance
      • Cluster Size
      • Managing Fragmentation
      • Compression
      • Space Management
      • Security
    • Antivirus Considerations
    • Enabling FILESTREAM in Windows
  • Configuring SQL Server for FILESTREAM
    • Security Considerations
    • Enabling FILESTREAM in SQL Server
    • Creating a Database Enabled for FILESTREAM
    • Creating a Table for Storing FILESTREAM Data
    • Configuring FILESTREAM Garbage Collection
    • Partitioning Considerations
    • Load Balancing of FILESTREAM Data
    • Feature Combinations and Restrictions
  • Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Considerations
  • Data Migration Considerations
  • FILESTREAM Usage Best Practices
  • Conclusion”
    [Post leach level: 98%]

SQL Server Whitepapers - FILESTREAM Storage in SQL Server 2008

“This white paper describes the FILESTREAM feature of SQL Server 2008, which allows storage of and efficient access to BLOB data using a combination of SQL Server 2008 and the NTFS file system. It covers choices for BLOB storage, configuring Windows and SQL Server for using FILESTREAM data, considerations for combining FILESTREAM with other features, and implementation details such as partitioning and performance.

This white paper is targeted at architects, IT Pros, and DBAs tasked with evaluating or implementing FILESTREAM. It assumes the reader is familiar with Windows and SQL Server and has at least a rudimentary knowledge of database concepts such as transactions.



If you’re interested in SQL Server 2008’s FileStream attribute, then this database side of the house focused document is a good read.

Related Past Post XRef:
Run to Run As Radio for a great SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM show
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM Attribute from Start to C#
SQL Server 2008, the FILESTREAM Attribute and Partitioning - Apparently not as easy as it looks (yet at least)...
A future world without the SQL Server Image/Text/NText data types. Now's the time to start planning for that future...
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM - Writing a file to a FILESTREAM column
More SQL Server 2008 FileStream Fun
Playing with the SQL Server 2008 FileStream Attribute

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