Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Getting the VSTS2010 CTP Virtual Machine working well on Hyper-V

granth's blog - Converting VS2010 CTP to Hyper-V


You can download the VPC from here. It’s quite a large download at 7.11GB and I suggest you follow Brian Keller’s post on a more reliable and faster download experience.

The purpose of this post is to show you that it is possible to run the CTP under Hyper-V. This can yield better performance depending on your hardware configuration.


  • This is not an officially tested scenario. Things may or may not work. You’re on your own.
  • Microsoft Excel is immediately crippled to reduced functionality mode. You will need to install your own licensed copy if you want to use it.
  • Microsoft Project remains in countdown mode.


  1. Download the CTP and uncompress it
  2. Create a new Virtual Machine in Hyper-V Manager
  3. Attach the extracted .vhd
  4. Boot the virtual machine
  5. Uninstall Virtual PC VM Additions by going to Control Panel > Programs and Features
  6. Run msconfig.exe and enable ‘Detect HAL’ under Advanced options
  7. Reboot
  8. Install the Hyper-V Integration Services
  9. Reboot
  10. Wait for all the new hardware to be detected
  11. Reboot
  12. Install your own copy of Excel
  13. Take a snapshot
  14. Enjoy!



This post is a great guide for getting the VSTS2010 and updating it so it runs on Hyper-V. Make sure you click through to see the detailed steps…

This finally kicked me off the fence and I’m now copying the VM’s to our Dev Hyper-V host machine and will be executing these steps so my team can also play with VSTS2010,.Net 4 and Win7. These VM’s combined with Virtual Machine Manager (so they can request their own VM’s) should be pretty cool for the team…


Related Past Post XRef:
VSTS 2010 and .Net 4 CTP VPC now available for download

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