Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Infragistics NetAdvantage Select 2008 Volume 3 released today

“We have a new volume of NetAdvantage Select 2008 Vol. 3 shipping today that includes updated ASP.NET and Windows Forms controls!

What's new in NetAdvantage Select 2008 Volume 3?
Please review the new features in the NetAdvantage ASP.NET controls (http://www.infragistics.com/dotnet/netadvantage/aspnet.aspx#NewFeatures) and the NetAdvantage Windows Forms controls (http://www.infragistics.com/dotnet/netadvantage/winforms.aspx#NewFeatures) in this release posted to our website.


What’s New (WinForms)

“In this new release of the NetAdvantage Windows Forms controls we have added .NET 3.5-native assembly builds, support for the latest file formats, and numerous enhancements that will be of interest to WinCalcManager™ developers and users of the our Infragistics.Excel class library whether it is to import workbooks containing Excel functions or exporting the data grid to Excel.  Read on to learn about all of the added features.


What’s New (WinForms) - 2008 Vol 2

“Empowering many data entry scenarios that will leave users appreciating the usability of your data-intensive applications, NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2008 Vol. 2 has rewritten the book of what is possible with several new data grid features in the WinGrid™ control like row edit templates, column header rotation, CardView printing and custom checkbox glyphs. Combined with new controls like the WinValidator™ to ensure data input by users is correct, and the new intuitive suggest mode in WinCombo™, we think you'll agree this release delivers tremendous value.

WinChart™ - Adds Tree Map Chart Type

NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2008 Vol. 2 has added the tree map chart type to WinChart. Tree maps are used to display large hierarchical data sets as nested rectangles, where the size of these rectangular regions correlate proportionately to the importance of the data point the rectangle represents. They are also sometimes referred to as heat map charts, although WinChart already has a separate chart type for measuring heat and other intensities over a continuous area or 3-D surface which is different from the tree map. Real world examples of tree map charts include maps of the stock market or hard disk defragmenting utilities.

Example of a Tree Map showing Level-of-Detail in a Customers Assets and Liabilities


I didn’t know until talking to the Infragistics crew at PDC that they had a TreeMap component (well kind of a component, it’s part of their WinChart component). It was pretty funny. I was asking them, that if I had a wish, one thing I would like from them was a TreeMap. He looked at me funny, and said, “poof… We recently released one…” LOL

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