Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Feed You Should Read #5 – Team System Rocks

Today’s “A Feed You Should Read” continues with the link blog theme, yet with a minor twist. Quantity is great, yet so is focus. This feed focuses on one general technology, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Team System (VSTS).

Team System Rocks - Team System News



One tech, is that enough to sustain a link blog over the long haul?

LOL, if you are asking yourself that question, then this really IS a feed you should read. Visual Studio Team System, which encompasses the different Visual Studio Team editions and Team Foundation Server (TFS), is a huge monster and has easily filled Mickey Gousset's link hopper for years. And that monster is going to roar with next year’s release of VS2010.

Team System News has provided constant VSTS links and information since mid-2005 (looks like my first reference was in March 2006).

Why do I like this feed and think you might also?

Why? Because Mickey is one of the VSTS/TFS guys! He speaks on the subject often, co-hosts the Radio TFS podcast, and has a driving and determined interest in all things VSTS.

I hung out with Mickey for a few hours at TechEd09 and watched him as he interacted with people. His eyes would light up and his interest and knowledge about the product was almost palatable. From word one, you knew this guy knew his shit (um… err… DEL DEL DEL… “knew his stuff” …yeah… ;)

The links in his posts show that interest and depth. Also I like how the posts, a couple+ a week at least, are simple, straight forward and easily digestible.

You should read this feed if you are using, or interested in using, Visual Studio and/or Team Foundation Server. Even if you’re using an Express edition, you should check out this feed. Why? Because a number of the “Team” features have moved down the stack toward you… And to help you answer the question, “Why do we need Team Edition XXX…”. You’ll be able to answer with real world solutions and information, curtsy of Team System News, and not be dependant on sales/marketing-ware from Microsoft.

Needless to say, if you are already a Visual Studio Team Edition user, then this feed should be one of your first stops of the day (in your feed reader of course… Please let me you’re using a feed reader… “Daily Favorites” web browser is SO 90’s)

Some (none that I follow, but some) link bloggers do it for the money, some the fame. Mickey/Visual Studio News is for the love of it.

Snap of the latest post:


Blog Information:

Name: Team System News
Post Types: Primary – Visual Studio Team System links

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