Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shiny! Sysinternals Process Explorer v14 released…

Sysinternals Site Discussion - Update: Process Explorer v14

“This major update to Process Explorer adds a slew of enhancements and new functionality including network and disk monitoring, an improved multi-tab system information dialog, additional memory statistics, a new column that shows aggregate CPU usage for a tree of processes, improved DLL scanning performance and accuracy, command-lines in process tree tooltips, support for more than 64 CPU systems, and more.” [GD:Post leached in full]

Windows Sysinternals - Process Explorer

“Process Explorer v14

Published: November 16, 2010

Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. …”

Related Past Post XRef:
Ten Tips for Process Explorer Triumphant Tweaking
The “Windows Sysinternals Primer: Process Explorer, Process Monitor, and More” from TechEd 2010 North America
Sysinternals 101 – “Notes from the field,” a quick intro to a few Sysinternals utilities (Process Explorer, TCPView, Process Monitor, VMMap)
Hands On Learning How to Use the Sysinternals Process Monitor Utility

The latest Sysinternals utilities are just a URL away, Live.Sysinternals.com

Use the Sysinternals Utilities? The EULA bug dialog you? Then try this…

A handy PowerShell script to keep your Sysinternals Suite up to date

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