Tuesday, December 28, 2010

“Azure Blob Studio 2011” A standalone utility and/or Visual Studio 2010 extension for Azure blob management (with VB source too)

Alessandro Del Sole's Blog - Announcing Azure Blob Studio 2011 on CodePlex: a new blob storage manager written in Visual Basic 2010

“I just released onto CodePlex a new tool called Azure Blob Studio 2011. This tool provides an easy way to manage files on your Windows Azure's blob storage, including both the online and developer accounts; it is available in two editions:

  • stand-alone WPF client
  • extension for Visual Studio 2010 (precisely a tool window)

The stand-alone client is available via a ClickOnce installer, whereas the extension is available as a VSIX package from the Visual Studio Gallery (and the Extension Manager tool in VS). With this approach you can receive updates easily.

The application has been written in Visual Basic 2010 and the full source code is available. This has been an interesting opportunity for understanding how to interact in Visual Basic code with the Azure's storage platform.

With Azure Blob Studio you can:

  • Work with both the developer and on-line accounts
  • Create containers (folders)
  • Upload multiple blobs (files)
  • Remove containers
  • Remove multiple blobs
  • Retrieve URI for each blob
  • Copy the blob's URI to the clipboard right-clicking the Blob's name
  • Retrieve metadata
  • Open blobs via URI

pagesnap…” [GD:Post Leach Level 95%]

Always good to see the VB community get some love…


Related Past Post XRef:
A few of my favorite… Windows Azure Storage Explorers… (doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, but you get the idea)
Gobs of Azure Blobs – A walkthrough for storing and retrieving blobs in Azure (in Nov 2009 CTP/V1)
Blob, SQL, Message and Fabric – A short intro to Azure storage choices
Windows into Azure, the Azure Storage Viewer

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