Wednesday, December 01, 2010

IoC? What? Man, I’m just a line of business dev trying to get through my day… What is this inversion of control/IoC, Dependency Injection thing?

Making the Complex Simple - Basic to Basics: Understanding IoC Part 2 (Creation)

“In my last back to basics post we talked about what inversion of control (IoC) is in regards to inverting control of interfaces.

We looked at how we can benefit from changing the control of the interface from the service to the client of that service.

This time we are going to tackle the more common form of IoC that is quite popular these days, and I’m going to show you why dependency injection is only one way to invert the control of the creation of objects in our code.


I’ve really been enjoying John’s Back to Basics posts… Sometime you just need a review/brain cell refresh (or a jump start in breaking out of your day-to-day code grind and into learning something new… :)

Make sure you also catch the other posts in his series (to date);

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