Friday, December 03, 2010

XBuilder - Free/OSS XNA 4.0 Content Viewer Visual Studio Extension (Think “The viewing XNA models/textures right in VS” extension…)

RoastedAmoeba - Announcing XBuilder, a free & open source content viewer for XNA 4.0 integrated with Visual Studio 2010

“Following two changes of name, I am now calling this project XBuilder. Why the change(s) of name? Well, I remembered the XNA Magic / Blade3D name change, and I didn’t want to get into any legal trouble, especially since this is a non-money-making piece of software.

It’s rather a grandiose name for something that boils down to a single tool window – but I have plans for a v0.2…

The TL;DR version

  • XBuilder is a Visual Studio 2010 extension which helps with XNA 4.0 development.
  • XBuilder provides a “Content Preview” window, which can render your models and textures.
  • In the Content Preview window, you can rotate your models, and set solid / wireframe fill mode.
  • XBuilder uses whatever content importers and processors you have referenced from your content project. So if it builds in your content project, it should work with XBuilder.
  • The source code is available on github.
  • I have released v0.1, which you can download here.
  • To install just double-click the .vsix file, and it should install into Visual Studio.

I plan to make it available online through Extension Manager, but I’d rather get some feedback first and make sure it’s stable before I do that.



Been a while since I’ve blogged about XNA and since I through this looked pretty neat and that it was free and source available, I couldn’t pass it up… ;)

(via Brain Dump - Fantastic VS2010 extension for viewing XNA 4.0 content)

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