Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free Mix11 Windows Phone 7 app now available

wpcentral - Official MIX11 app for Windows Phone now available [Developers]


Featuring the full listings of the schedule (eventually), speakers, sessions, maps, extras and even a way to favorite things (for quicker access), the app is beautifully written with a focus on minimalism, speed and has the ability to update over 3g. It should be fun to see everyone walking around with their Windows Phone using this come April.

Grab the app here in the Marketplace.


Here's some snaps from the Zune Marketplace and app (taken from those on the Zune Marketplace, since Verizon doesn't have a WP7 device yet and so can't get the app myself... whine... whine... whine... lol ;)



Next to this, I'd really like to see how it was built (i.e. the code), hear about he dev process, etc, etc. Will be keeping my eyes open for that (fingers crossed).


Related Past Post XRef:
Windows Phone 7 ConfApp - Microsoft conferences with schedules and past PowerPoint decks/session videos, now with for PDC10

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