Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Free (Reg-ware) SQL Server Perfmon Counters Poster. Counters + Descriptions + “values you want to see” = Happy DBA

Quest - SQL Server Perfmon Counters Poster
“When it comes to performance monitoring, few tools offer as much reliability and universal access as Perfmon — and that alone makes it worth learning. Its counter thresholds give you a clear picture, so you can diagnose the root-cause of your SQL Server issues right away. And now you can do it all even faster with this unique reference. 
This poster — produced by our world-class SQL Server experts at Quest — provides valuable tips and tricks to remember when using Perfmon. It will help you quickly build a hypothesis and uncover the slowest components on your servers.
UPDATE 4/21/2017: Looks like Quest has remove this poster... :(

What I really like about this poster is how not only are the counters listed, with description, but what the normally acceptable values of those counters should be. Given that there’s 1.9 gazillion perform counters, knowing the “good ones” and their values is a step toward SQL Server guru’ism. 
(via Troubleshooting Microsoft SQL Server - Free Windows/SQL Perfmon Counter poster from Quest Software)


  1. couldn't download it. Page Error ...

  2. Just checked it and I'm still able to download it (I also checked it on a couple other machines and am also not getting any page error's on them)...

    Where are you getting the page error? When clicking on a link on my post or when you get over to the Quest site?

  3. Quest tells me the page is not found.

  4. Yeah, it looks like they have removed it... Too bad, it was a great resource...


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