Wednesday, January 05, 2011

XNA 3.1 to XNA 4.0 Cheatsheet (well cheat page… okay, long cheat page… almost a cheat book… anyway, you get the idea…)

Nelxon Studio  - XNA 3.1 to XNA 4.0 Cheat Sheet

“Nelxon here again providing yet another resource for XNA Game developers. There are a few sites available to help us convert those XNA 3.1 projects to XNA 4.0, but it seems many of us are still have problems migrating successfully and easily. Its a pain to visit multiple sites and pages only to find corrections for 1 to 3 errors and still have hundreds more left.

After losing many hours of production time, I decided it would be more convenient to have a simple cheat sheet  - (collection of code snippets XNA 3.1 to XNA 4.0)  to help me convert projects faster with less difficulty. So far, this cheat sheet has helped me convert over a dozen XNA 3.1 projects, which removed at least 90% of the errors due to the code breaking changes from XNA 4.0. The remaining errors I could resolve myself or simply ask for help on the forums. 5 errors are better than 50…

I decided to share this cheat sheet because I am constantly reading forums where developers discuss having the same problems converting their projects. I figured maybe other developers would find this useful as well. These code snippets were created from comparing the XNA 3.1 creator’s club educational samples to the newer XNA 4.0 samples. However do no consider this page as a tutorial, it is a list of examples to help you see the difference between XNA 3.1 and XNA 4.0 syntax and provided to help you learn by example.

pagesnap[GD: This is only a partial page thumbnail due to the page’s length]…”

An uber code-heavy XNA 3 to 4 conversion helper cheat sheet/page/book. I liked how the errors resolved are summarized at the beginning and the before/after format

(via Shawn Hargreaves Blog - XNA 3.1 to 4.0 cheat sheet)


  1. Yeah it looks like its gone or offline. Sorry about that, that happens... You might try the Internet Archive and see if they grabbed a copy of it....


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