Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“Microsoft Mathematics 4.0” - Free graphing calculator for the student in the house…

Microsoft Downloads - Microsoft Mathematics 4.0

“Microsoft Mathematics provides a graphing calculator that plots in 2D and 3D, step-by-step equation solving, and useful tools to help students with math and science studies.

MSetup_x64.exe: 18.9MB

MSetup_x86.exe: 17.6MB

Version: 4.0

Date Published: 1/11/2011

Language: English

Microsoft Mathematics provides a set of mathematical tools that help students get school work done quickly and easily. With Microsoft Mathematics, students can learn to solve equations step-by-step, while gaining a better understanding of fundamental concepts in pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, and calculus.Microsoft Mathematics includes a full-featured graphing calculator that’s designed to work just like a handheld calculator. Additional math tools help you evaluate triangles, convert from one system of units to another, and solve systems of equations


Since I indeed have a student in the house, I’m going to see if he’s interested (or if I get the “zomg, you are SUCH a parent” eye-roll… lol )


Here’s a snap of it. It looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? How it “shows the work” of solving an equation made my chuckle (man, I hated having to do that…)



  1. I work at a school that has all students 7-12 with tablet laptops. I thought this was really cool so I sent it to the Math and Science department. At first they thought is was useful but then quickly switched to fear of students using this to complete homework and not do it themselves. When used properly this can be a very powerful tool, there is some room for abuse however by students.

  2. @Hoyty,
    Yeah, I thought about that too.

    But there's some many resources on the Net that will help do this already, it's so easy for students to "cheat" already...

    It's the whole "With great power..." thing.

    For me, in my case with my student, I have to trust him and hope that we've taught him to be smart about things like this...

    That and since he can't take this (via his notebool) to school that he'll get caught pretty darn quick if he's "cheating himself"... lol


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