Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sharing NuGet packages with the world is now just an NuGet.Org away… or The NuGet Gallery and package submission is now live at NuGet.Org!

David Ebbo - Introducing the NuGet gallery

“Back in December, I blogged about how poor the NuGet package submission process was. You had to clone a HUGE repository that had all the other packages, add your package files to it, and submit a pull request. It was something that we had meant to last a couple weeks, and it lasted a few months, way overstaying its welcome.

The good news is that that process is now obsolete! Instead of have a brand new gallery site that lets authors publish packages very easily.

And the site it.. drums…!

Who is this site for?

To set expectations, please note that this site is not feature complete yet, and is still rough in many ways. Eventually, it will be a place for both package authors and consumers, but in the short term, it’s primarily useful to package authors.

So basically, this site provides a complete (and much better) replacement for the old package submission process, and at this point that is its main focus.

So if you are using NuGet from Visual Studio to install packages, you can probably ignore this site for now. It will be come interesting later, but it isn’t now. You’re certainly welcome to browse around it, but there is no point in creating an account now unless you have packages to submit.

Getting started with the site


“NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install, remove, and update .NET libraries and tools in Visual Studio. When you use NuGet to install a library or tool, NuGet copies the files to your solution and will automatically update your project (add references, change config files, etc). When you remove a library, NuGet reverses whatever changes it made in your project so that no clutter is left.

The NuGet Gallery allows you to search for and browse available NuGet packages. When you find the package you want, install the package using NuGet within Visual Studio.

nuget…” - Contribute


I think 2011 is going to be a great year for NuGet…

And remember that the gallery, front and backend, are available as OSS projects too (post)…


Related Past Post XRef:
Want your own “Gallery” (think something like the Visual Studio Gallery and future NuGet home) site and server? Check out the Orchard Gallery/Gallery Server Projects…

Using Templify and NuGet to automate and share Visual Studio Solution creation
Another way to deploy/share code and code snippets… NuGet
A “Hello [NuGet] World”
NuPack = NuGet (Think “A New way to Get libraries”)
I “Nu” I needed you… NuPack v1 Developer Preview/CTP 1 Released (Think, “Where have you been all my dev life… finally an package management system/installer for .Net”)

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