Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Now that is live, just how do you create and upload packages? Phil Hack's got your back…

You’ve Been Hacked - Uploading Packages To The NuGet Gallery

“As David Ebb blogged today, the NuGet Gallery is now open to the public. The goal of the NuGet Gallery is to be the hub for NuGet users and package authors alike. Users should be able to search and discover packages with detailed information on each one and eventually rate them. Package authors can register for an API key and upload packages.

We’re not quite where we want to be with the gallery, but we’re moving in the right direction. If you want to see us get there more quickly, feel free to lend a hand. The gallery is running on fully open source code!

In this blog post, I wanted to cover step by step what it takes to create and upload a package.

Create Your Package

Uploading Packages To The NuGet Gallery…”

Phil walks you through the steps, from package creation to sign-up and upload.


Related Past Post XRef:
Sharing NuGet packages with the world is now just an NuGet.Org away… or The NuGet Gallery and package submission is now live at NuGet.Org!
Want your own “Gallery” (think something like the Visual Studio Gallery and future NuGet home) site and server? Check out the Orchard Gallery/Gallery Server Projects…

Using Simplify and NuGet to automate and share Visual Studio Solution creation
Another way to deploy/share code and code snippets… NuGet
A “Hello [NuGet] World”
Unpacks = NuGet (Think “A New way to Get libraries”)
I “Nu” I needed you… Unpacks v1 Developer Preview/CTP 1 Released (Think, “Where have you been all my dev. life… finally an package management system/installer for .Net”)

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