Monday, January 17, 2011

PPT65 Project is complete… That’s 165 professional created PowerPoint 2010 Templates.. free!

Microsoft Office Blogs - Microsoft PowerPoint - Fabulous free templates await: The PPT65 project is complete

“Happy to announce that all 165 templates created by PowerPoint MVP Julie Terberg are now available as free downloads at You can use these templates as-is, or unlock your inner designer (reproduction steps appear in each template's Notes pane in PowerPoint). This is a sequel of sorts; we created PPT157 on the first set of Terberg's templates and, well, you don't mess with success.

See more about the project including a video showcase at


Microsoft Office Templates - PowerPoint presentations and slides - Example slide effects with instructions


I don’t know about you, but I need all the help I can get when trying to create “cool” presentations. I mean if we HAVE to have them, then they might as well be cool!


Related Past Post XRef:
Free PowerPoint Templates

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