Monday, January 17, 2011

NuGet your Avalon (SharpDevelop’s AvalonEdit and ICSharpCode.TextEditor, plus samples, are now available via NuGet)

SharpDevelopMatt Ward - NuGet Packages for SharpDevelop

“Now that NuGet 1.0 has been released and the NuGet package submission process has been made much easier there are now NuGet packages for SharpDevelop that can be downloaded from the main NuGet package repository.


The packages currently available are:


Contains AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor that is included with SharpDevelop 4.0. Two versions of AvalonEdit are included. One that targets .NET 3.5 and one that targets .NET 4.0. Download this package if you just want the AvalonEdit assembly and nothing else.


Contains sample code for AvalonEdit taken from Daniel Grunwald's CodeProject article. The sample code shows how to use the text editor's inside a WPF application including a simple example of code completion. …


Contains the text editor that is included in SharpDevelop 3.2.1. This text editor targets .NET 2.0.


Contains sample code for the text editor that is included in SharpDevelop 3.2.1 …”

NuGet is golden... I love how people are flocking to share their stuff on it.

NuGet + Visual Studio Gallery = Many Happy Dev’s :)


Related Past Post XRef:
AvalonEdit, a (the?) WPF code editor component from the SharpDevelop team (think WPF based, monster cool, code editing, IDE like, uber textbox +10)

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