Monday, January 17, 2011

The Prism 4.0 Template Pack is now available (think “Boilerplate code to show off many of Prism’s features + Project Templates too!”)

David Hill's WebLog - Prism 4.0 Template Pack Now Available

“The updated version of the Prism Template Pack for Prism 4.0 is now available here!

The Prism 4.0 Template Pack contains Prism shell and module project templates and a quick-start solution template which creates a multi-project solution with a shell and two modules. All templates are available for both Silverlight and WPF and for C# or Visual Basic.NET..

A Quick Tour

The templates provide boiler-plate code that demonstrates many of the features provided by Prism, including:

  • The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern
  • Dependency Injection using Unity
  • Modularity
  • Commands
  • Interaction Requests
  • Regions
  • Navigation
  • Loosely coupled events using the Event Aggregator

The quick start solution templates creates a simple multi-module Prism solution that shows all of these features working together. You can use this template to create a simple but working end-to-end application which you can evolve to your own requirements …


This has been covered a bit already (i.e. I’m a day late and dollar short, yada, yada… ;) but I want to capture this for my own usage (since that’s what my blog really is, my remote, distributed, cloud based, full text searchable memory storage… ;)

Here’s a couple snaps of it in action;



(via The Morning Brew - The Morning Brew #771)


Related Past Post XRef:
Prism v4 - VB Style and Training Kit too
Stick a fork in it, Prism 4.0 is done…
How about some free MVVM training/hands on/walkthroughs right in the VS box? “In the Box – MVVM Training” from Karl Shifflett (Oh yeah, with some WPF, Test, Moc, and Prism too)

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