Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vingy, the Visual Studio Instant Search Extension, is free! In the, open sourced, you can now get the code and contribute, kind of way…

amazedsaint's #tech journal - Vingy - Visual Studio Instant Search Addin – Goes Open Source

“Some time, back I created a web search plug-in for Visual Studio, so that I can search the web (mainly sites like StackOverflow, CodeProject, MSDN etc) in a non intrusive way, with out leaving the IDE.

About Vingy

You can install Vingy from the Visual Studio Gallery here

Going Open Source

Today, I’ve decided to open source Vingy, so that you can also hack it and bend it as you like. You can find the source code at http://vingy.codeplex.com/. It is a very minimal example of creating a Visual Studio Package, using the Visual Studio SDK.


Congrats to Anoop. Releasing personal project source can be a scary thing and having the courage to do so should be applauded. We all stand on the shoulders of giants and in releasing code like this is a great form of paying it forward… (Do note the project is currently GPLv2)


Related Past Post XRef:
Search MSDN, CodeProject, StackOverflow, DZone and more from within Visual Studio 2010 with “Vingy” (Visual Studio + Bing = Vingy)

1 comment:

  1. You might be interested in WebSearch plug in also :)


    Multiple search options included in all Text Editor, Reference Items, Error List. (Integrated search options for Visual Studio IDE)
    Currently this Add-in works fine with most of the Visual Studio versions.
    You can customize web-search by configure option.
    Open Search in Default Web Browser or Visual Studio Tab or any other installed browser.
    Change WebSearch context menu position
    Easy access with Shortcut key. I use Alt+F1.
    WebSearch context menu availabe in all most all editor files.
    WebSearch menu also availabe in Tools menu with default search option.
    Configurable shortcut key.
    WebSearch menu in Tools menu
    WebSearch context menu in all Text Editor, Reference Items, Error List.


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