Monday, February 14, 2011

Another SQL Server FILESTREAM Best Practice guide

Blog do Ezequiel - Best Practices on FILESTREAM implementations

"Recently I was asked to advise a customer on a FILESTREAM implementation he was devising, and part of that ended up becoming this blog post that I hope can be of some help for you.

When to use FILESTREAM?

In SQL Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary(max) data that stores the data in tables, or FILESTREAM varbinary(max) objects that store the data in the file system. The size and use of the data determines whether you should use database storage or file system storage. So, in a nutshell, these are the typical scenarios where this feature is best suited:





Reviewing best practices rarely hurts... As does the reviewing of "don't do this" and "make sure you do this" items (of which this post covers some good ones)

Remember FileStream is cool, but it's NOT a one-size-fits-all tool...


Related Past Post XRef:
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM Best Practices
SQL Server VARBINARY vs FILESTREAM – The code and performance trade offs saving the right sized files to the right datatype.
SQL Server 2008 FileStream and VB.Net – The Sample
SQL Server FileStream Whitepaper – A DBA/IT focused FILESTREAM paper
Run to Run As Radio for a great SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM show
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM Attribute from Start to C#
SQL Server 2008, the FILESTREAM Attribute and Partitioning - Apparently not as easy as it looks (yet at least)...
A future world without the SQL Server Image/Text/NText data types. Now's the time to start planning for that future...
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM - Writing a file to a FILESTREAM column
More SQL Server 2008 FileStream Fun
Playing with the SQL Server 2008 FileStream Attribute

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