Thursday, March 31, 2011

464 PDC Sessions from PDC08, PDC09 & PDC10 now available on Channel9 Events (and each with an "All Sessions, One List" view too!)

C9Team - PDC Sessions now published on Channel 9

"Hey folks, in an earlier C9 team post we explained how we are moving event content from various places (MIX, PDC, TechEd, etc...) into Channel 9 to give you a single repository of as much technical content as we can bring together. Well, phase 2 of that move has occurred and 464 PDC sessions from across PDC08, PDC09 and PDC10 have arrived on Channel 9!


So not only do we get all the PDC08,09,10 content in one place but we also get it in a "all sessions, single list" view too! I think I'm finally out of the Session Video List biz (i.e. no more of these, PDC 10 Session Video List)!

Also I really dig that this isn't just a list/redirect to the content, but a complete repurposing and repackaging of it. I.e. a consistent look and feel for all the conferences, all with added C9 hosting goodness.

Kudo's to the C9 team for making this happen.



Some Wish List items:

  • I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that they provide an Events OData feed so we can mash up all these events into our own things, viewers, etc...
  • High level event Feed. So I can subscribe to and see when new events become available
  • Custom RSS feeds. I'd like to have a means to build a feed that I can subscribe to with my media player of choice. Like, "give me all the WMV-Low videos related to WP7, from any conference in 2011", etc.
  • Cross conference, content/tag, speaker and time based view. Similar to the above item, but web based. I want to see all the Windows Azure sessions in 2011. Or every session by Doug Seven. Or... you get the picture.

Also I hope this has legs and all future conferences make it here... I believe that's going to happen given that MIX11 is already there, but the proof is in the pudding and all that...


Related Past Post XRef:
Channel 9 now the one stop Microsoft event shop - One site, many events (MIX06,07,08,09,10 for now more coming)

PDC 10 Session Video List
Microsoft TechEd 2010 is OData enabled
MIX10? There’s an OData Feed for that…
PDC09 Session Video List (Okay, so I lied)
Microsoft PDC09 video list, courtesy of Microsoft
Mix 09 Quick Video Link List
My PDC List Maker utility source updated to consume the PDC Channel 9 RSS Feed (resulting in the Keynotes now being included in the list), but fixes, etc.
My PDC Video Link List Maker project & source is now available on CodePlex
PDC2008 Quick Video Link List (Updated: Now with Keynotes)

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