Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Data Sites Round-up for the Data Junkie Or Data... Data... Get your Data here...!

Martha Rotter's Blog - Tuesday Newsday: Data News Sites

"Data journ­al­ism, news apps, open gov­ern­ment data. In this age of Anonym­ous, Wikileaks, and pro­act­ive sources pub­lish­ing freely avail­able data, it is becom­ing crit­ical that we have journ­al­ists and developers work­ing together to make sense of it all and under­stand how it affects us.

Today there are a grow­ing num­ber of news out­lets doing a fant­astic job of both pub­lish­ing data and cre­at­ing inter­ac­tions and visu­al­iz­a­tions to make sense of it. I wanted to show­case a hand­ful of those sites so that people can under­stand why this type of journ­al­ism is import­ant and how it works. And maybe even how to get involved if it’s of interest to you.








if you're looking for some data that's just waiting for you to turn into information and hopefully wisdom, there should be enough links and resources here to keep you busy for a bit...

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