Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Updated WPTK HOLS. Updated Windows Phone 7.1(5) Training Kit Hands On Labs that is...

Microsoft Downloads - Windows Phone 7.5 Training Kit

"Hands on Labs for the Windows Phone 7.5 Application Platform

Version: 7.5
Date Published: 12/19/2011

Language: English

MangoRTMTK_Advanced2011-12-, 117.0 MB
MangoRTMTK_Basic2011-12-, 215.6 MB

Two sets of hands on labs for Windows Phone 7.5 application development. These are packages that support a full offline installation of the labs that are available live online.


The Sociable Geek - Windows Phone 7.5 Training Kit


The Basic Labs Include

  • Hello Windows Phone
  • Building your first Windows Phone 7 Application
  • Windows Phone Navigation and Controls
  • Application Lifecycle
  • Using the Pivot and Panorama Controls
  • Accessing Windows Phone 7 Devices
  • Game Development with XNA Framework
  • Discovering Windows Phone 7 Device Capabilities
  • PhotoFun
  • Launchers
  • Choosers
  • Weather Service Push Notifications
  • Using Bing Maps

The Advanced Labs Include

  • Catapult Wars Lab
  • Multi-Touch Game Development with XNA
  • 3D Game Development with XNA Framework
  • Using a local database in the “Tidy” application
  • Background Transfer Service in the “Tidy” application
  • Fast Application Switching in the “Tidy” application
  • Creating Notifications in the “Tidy” application
  • Adding Multitasking to your application
  • XNA 3D Model Viewer
  • Search Integration
  • Background Audio Agents


Here's a snap of the Basic labs;


And the Advanced Labs


And my customary WinDirInfo snap (of the two)


More than enough stuff to keep you busy for a bit.... :)


Related Past Post XRef:
How to Grow your Mango (knowledge that is) - Mango Training Course
“SharePoint 2010 and Windows Phone 7 Training Kit” (Think “Building Windows Phone 7 Apps that integrate with SharePoint Training Kit”)
Windows Phone Developer Training Kit, now April and VS2010 RTM Fresh…

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Thanks For Sharing.Its Nice to have WP7 is primarily focused on the consumer market rather than the enterprise market. Incorporated with its unique tiles based User Interface (UI), WP7 moves a step ahead from traditional concept of icons.


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