Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Windows Forms Toolkit v0.2... A little WinForm love for the holidays...

CodePlex - Windows Forms Toolkit

"This project will provide many controls and tools for developing with Windows Forms.


Windows Forms Toolkit provide controls and tools to works easily with Microsoft Windows Forms.

Currently available controls :

  • Extenders
    • BalloonTipExtender: provide a extender to show balloon for TextBoxBase controls;
    • CueTextExtender: provide a extender to add cue text for TextBoxBase and ComboBox controls;
    • ValidatorExtender: provide a simple way to validate user entries (like;
  • Controls
    • ColorPalette is a control showing a customizable list of color;
    • SplitButton is a button control that propose a context menu for alternate options (like Microsoft Word open file dialog);
    • TabControl is a extend TabControl with many properties and events to improve experience;
    • NotificationForm can be use as base for create notification like Microsoft Outlook;
  • Data
    • DataTableConvertionExtensionMethods is a static class providing some Extension Methods to convert DataTable to Object... and Object to DataTable;
  • Drawing
    • RoundedRectangle draw rectangle with rounded corners;
  • Miscellaneous
    • HotKeysManager provide global HotKeys support for Windows Forms applications;
    • WatchDogRunner can run delegate with a limited time;


Call me a luddite, but for me sometimes WinForms is just easier and quicker. And it's nice to see the community still have some love for it... :)


  1. Please provide it with demo project, so everybody can easily start and play around with this toolkit.

  2. Best bet would be to post that request on the Project's discussion board,


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