Sunday, December 18, 2011

EAI and EDI, Azure Service Bus Style...

Avkash Chauhan's Blog - Windows Azure Service Bus EAI and EDI – first public CTP availability

"Windows Azure Service Team is proud to announce that the first public CTP of Service Bus EAI & EDI is now LIVE at You can see the official announcement here:

What is Windows Azure Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs:

Windows Azure Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs provides integration capabilities for the Windows Azure Platform to extend on-premises applications to the cloud, provides rich messaging endpoints to process and transform messages, and helps organizations integrate disparate applications, both on cloud and on-premises.

The capabilities in this milestone include:

  • XML Bridge – Protocol bridging, Route Actions, External data lookup for Message Enrichment, Internal Service Monitoring, enhanced and easier-to-use bridge configuration experience, simpler setup experience and support for REST messages
  • Transforms – Container based scoping for loop operations, validation and testing, mapper usability enhancements, cumulative data support, date time operations, data look up support, intermediate data storage support, message context access
  • Service Bus Connect – New server explorer experience for LOB creation, Management head accessed on-prem via Server Explorer or PowerShell to create, update, delete or retrieve information from LOB targets
  • B2B – AS2 protocol support with X12 chaining for send and receive pipelines, FTP as transport for X12, agreement templates, partners view with profiles per partner, resources view, intuitive metro style EDI Portal


Microsoft Downloads - Windows Azure Service Bus EAI & EDI - Dec 2011 Release

"Windows Azure Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs provides integration capabilities for the Windows Azure Platform to extend on-premises applications to the cloud, provides rich messaging endpoints to process and transform messages, and helps organizations integrate disparate applications, both on cloud and on-premises.


MSDN Windows Azure - Windows Azure Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs - December 2011 Release

"Windows Azure Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs provides integration capabilities for the Windows Azure Platform to extend on-premises applications to the cloud, provides rich messaging endpoints on the cloud to process and transform the messages, and helps organizations integrate with disparate applications, both on cloud and on-premises. In other words, Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs provides common integration capabilities (e.g. bridges, transforms, B2B messaging) on Windows Azure Service Bus.

Installing the Windows Azure Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs - December 2011

Supplies details about what is required to properly install and run Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs.

Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs - Tutorials

Start learning the basics of developing Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs solutions using these short tutorials.

Business to Business Messaging

Learn how Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs enables business-to-business messaging on Windows Azure

Rich Messaging Endpoints

Learn about the basic concepts about of rich messaging endpoints and how to use them in Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs.


Learn how to use and configure transforms with rich messaging endpoints.

Service Bus Connect

Learn how to use Service Bus Connect in an EAI application to extend the reach of cloud-based applications to on-premises LOB applications.

Samples: Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs

Download the samples available for Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs.


In a past life I was involved in EDI for a bit and so have always kept an eye open for interesting articles and such, like this...

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