Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's never cloudy when camping with Azure... Content and Links for Windows Azure Dev Camp Fall 2011 Series

US Cloud Connection - Windows Azure Dev Camp Fall 2011 Series – Content & Links

Thanks to everyone who attended the Fall 2011 Series of Windows Azure Dev Camp events on the US east coast! The US Cloud team enjoyed traveling to Raleigh, Farmington, NYC, Philly, & Chevy Chase to visit folks and deliver this fun tour of cloud computing and Windows Azure concepts. We had a great time helping organize the events and leading attendees through the fun Rock Paper Azure Challenge coding contest.

The content from the event is now available!

Windows Azure Dev Camp – Fall 2011 Series Content

Note: There were slight variances in the content at each location (we’re dynamic people!), but the slides below are a good representation of the information shared at all five events.


Windows Azure Dev Camp Demos

Here are the links to the demos referenced during the event:


Learn Windows Azure

Just as our in-person event series wrapped up, Scott Guthrie, Dave Campbell, and Mark Russinovich hosted a live online training event from the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington. This excellent 8 hour event was captured on video and is available for viewing on demand on Channel 9. If you don’t have that much time, be sure to catch the first hour, featuring a keynote from Scott Guthrie.

Learn Windows Azure Event Recordings on Channel 9

Get Started With Windows Azure NOW!

And finally, it’s time for YOU to get started with Windows Azure yourself!

  1. Get a FREE Windows Azure Account!
  2. Get the tools and SDKs for the language of your choice
  3. Dig into the docs

Good luck, and if you have any questions about Windows Azure or our events, please let us know in the comments or by contacting us via any of our blogs!



I thought this a great round-up of the recent Windows Azure information, resources, links, content and just "I think I'd like to dev for Azure" stuff. :)

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