Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pick up your pace on Silverlight 5 with Michael Crump's 10 Laps around Silverlight 5

The Silverlight Show - 10 Laps around Silverlight 5 (Part 1 of 10)


Today we begin a new and exciting series covering the new features in Silverlight 5. I am going to guide you step-by-step through the process of getting started with Silverlight 5 and then we will dive into the features that are the most important to you.

But first, we are going to :
  • Explain why you should read this series over other Silverlight 5 series.
  • We will give a very brief introduction to Silverlight.
  • Take a look at the Roadmap for this series.
  • Review Silverlight’s history.
  • Download the bits required to develop a Silverlight 5 application.
  • Become familiar with creating a new Silverlight 5 application.

Why read this series over others?

I’m sure you have seen a lot of Silverlight 5 information on the web and are wondering what makes this series different, so I will go ahead and tell you.

  • Individual blog posts about Silverlight 5 are scattered all over the internet, it takes time to research and find relevant information. In this series, all information will be grouped together and easily referenced.
  • Post-beta, Microsoft changed RichTextBox to RichTextBlock. Many samples on the web are still showing the old version and have never been updated.
  • Breaking changes in Silverlight 5 that have happened recently will be included.
  • I am a Silverlight MVP / Silverlight Insider and XAML Advocate. I have spent the last few years of my life specializing in Silverlight and sharing the information to others.


The Roadmap for this Series

Below you will find the roadmap for this series. I modeled this list closely from Pete Brown’s List of what is new in Silverlight 5 and looked at each new feature of Silverlight 5. I believe most developers will find the following features useful in their day-to-day work than others. If you want a specific topic covered then please leave it in the comments below.

1) Introduction to SL5 [This Post] – This post which provides a brief history of Silverlight and relevant links.

2) Binding - Ancestor Relative Source Binding and Implicit Data Templates.

3) Graphics –XNA 3D API and Improved Graphics Stack.

4) Media - Low-Latency Sound using XNA and Remote Control and Media Command (Keys) Support.

5) Text - Text Tracking and Leading, Linked and Multi-column Text, OpenType Support, Pixel Snapped Text and TextOptions.

6) Operating System Integration Part 1 - P/Invoke, Multiple Windows and Unrestricted File System Access in Full Trust.

7) Operating System Integration Part 2 - Default Filename for SaveFileDialog, 64-bit browser support and Power Awareness.

8) Productivity and Performance - XAML Binding Debugging, Parser Performance Improvements and Multi-core JIT for improved start-up time.

9) Controls - Double and Triple click support, PivotViewer and ComboBox Type-Ahead.

10) Other items - In-Browser HTML, PostScript and Tasks for TPL.



I can't believe I've not mentioned Michael's recent Silverlight 5 series before, but I searched and search and it doesn't seem I have... Better late than never I guess! With the two Silverlight 5 posts today, you should have enough info and resources to keep you busy over the holidays... maybe... :P


Related Past Post XRef:
Kunal's 13 for 5... 13 Silverlight 5 tutorials...

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