Sunday, December 18, 2011

[Rumor] Pex and Moles to be part of Visual Studio 11?

The Curly Brace - Pex and Moles to be Visual Studio 11 Feature Set

"In true, "I will neither confirm nor deny" Microsoft fashion, a little bird in Redmond informed me that Pex and Moles will have no further releases, because they are being "productized". Another, larger bird stated, "dependency isolation will be taken care of, in Visual Studio 11," when I asked if Moles and Pex will be rolled into VS11.

The Visual Studio 11 community technical preview (CTP) is available for download to anybody. However, the Moles and Pex products are not yet integrated into the application. There are several points of integration the need to be perfected, before adding it.


Hope this is true... I'd dig to see these projects baked into a release of VS.

BTW, if you're looking for more Pex/Moles info, make sure you check out, Testing with Microsoft Pex & Moles, also by Mike Christian


Related Past Post XRef:
Interested in PEX & MOLES? Wish you could go to a five hour workshop on them? Here’s the next best thing…

Think you can’t unit test ASP.Net? Here’s a tutorial for one way, using the power of Pex and Moles

RiSE4Fun - Microsoft Research, Research in Software Engineering, "Fun" Dev, via web, site
Playing with Pex is just a web browser away at

Pex 2010 (aka Pex 0.90.50303.0) now available on MSDN Subscribers Downloads
Pex license updated – You can now use it in commercial projects
Pex 0.5 Released - Your Parameterized Unit Test Buddy

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