Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting Going with Git (and GitHub) Resource Round-up

Code Climber - Getting started with Git and GitHub

Now that Subtext, the blogging engine I’m working (or at least I should) on together with Phil Haack, has been officially moved to GitHub (guess the reason why), I finally have a reason to really study git and github.

I already tried starting a few years ago, and even used it a bit lately to work on the conference site (here the conf-oo github repo), but never really studied in depth, and still didn’t fully get the key differences between a traditional source control and a distributed source control.

So I asked around and found some good pointers.

Think Like (a) Git

The most recommended pointer I got is the Think Like (a) Git website, a self-proclaimed “Guide for the perplexed”. It’s a pretty nice tutorial covering all the key concepts of Git.

It also comes with a slideshow and an all-in-one page if you want to print it or PDFize it.

ProGit book and site

The second most popular recommendation I got is the Pro Git book from Apress. The thing that differentiate it from other books is its widespread usage of visuals and samples.

The cool thing is that, while still being a paper book and having a Kindle version, both released on 2009, there is also a Creative Common licensed ebook (PDF, Mobi, ePub) and also available for online reading.

The “code” for the book and his images is available on github and is updated with fixes coming from readers.


Other Git books


Cheat sheets


The GitHub Flow


Some other useful links



Seems like all the kids these days are Git'ing, and this round-up looked like it had a bunch of cool information...

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