Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Magenic celebrates a few of its internal OSS developers...

Magenic - Magenic Open Source

"Magenic is full of talented developers. We take pride in the work they do, because they do it well. But that pride doesn’t end with just the projects they do in the workplace. Many of Magenic’s consultants spend their time working on open source projects on top of the work they do for Magenic. Because we don’t want to let their work go unappreciated, we are creating a series of blog posts showcasing their individual efforts. This first post will introduce you to a few Magenicons and give some brief examples of their creative work. In the future, we’ll highlight each individual and take an in-depth look at their open source contributions.

Jeff Ferguson

Jeff is currently working on a project called Gepsio. Gepsio takes in an XML document marked up using the XBRL specification that validates a document, and presents its data as an easy-to-use set of objects and properties that can be read from any .NET environment, including PowerShell.


Brent Edwards

Brent created an open source library called MVVM Fabric. MVVM Fabric is a WPF-centric library which helps address common issues such as communication, navigation and commanding in a WPF application leveraging MVVM. It provides core functionality and leverages dependency injection to provide extensibility.


Jason Bock

Jason is working on numerous open source projects. A few years ago, he was able to create a couple of add-ins for Reflector: FileGenerator and ExceptionFinder. More recently, Jason has produced several standalone components, including a “utilities” library called Spackle and an assembly verification library appropriately named AssemblyVerifier.


I dig seeing a company not only accept, but celebrate, its employee's OSS involvement.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment. I've been with Magenic for 10 years, and it's encouraging to see us accept OSS more and more as time rolls by.


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