Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Using IMAPI, some .Net, COM and PowerShell to ISO some files, with the New-ISOFile function

Script Center - New-ISOFile function

"This PowerShell function uses IMAPI COM objects to create .iso files.Without using any external utilities/files, this function can wrap files and folders into an .iso file. Bootable images can also be created with the support of, which can be commonly found in Window


This PowerShell function uses IMAPI COM objects to create .iso files.

Without using any external utilities/files, this function can wrap files and folders into an .iso file. Bootable images can also be created with the support of, which can be commonly found in Windows AIK. The function can add multiple files/folders into the .iso image in a single session, and can accept pipeline input.

Some of the source code referenced, but the functionality is wrapped in such a way that it supports better pipeline processing



I just have this weird attraction to IMAPI, I don't know what it is, but I don't think it's all that healthy... LOL

Anyway... I thought it cool seeing this PowerShell function for taking files and poking them into an ISO. Think about using it in a build process, etc....


Related Past Post XRef:
Managed ISO (CD/DVD Image) Creation via IMAPIv2
Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray's with C# and IMAPI2 (Image Mastering API v2)
VB.Net Code Sample for Burning Audio CDs
Burn CDs right from your .NET code...
Creating Audio CD's with .Net and IMAPI2

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    That looks quite awesome. I have no immediate need for this, and its not as featureful as a windows port cdrecord, but I'll keep it in mind. Also, calling unsafe C# code in powershell makes it extra awesome.


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