Thursday, April 05, 2012

The IE Team endorses/supports cross-browser coding with

IE Blog - Let’s help developers write cross-browser code. Announcing



This week @ JSConf we announced a new partnership with Bocoup to make building web games easier for developers with a new site called

Most developers learn how to create games through plug-ins like Flash, on Facebook, or through a set of technologies designed only for one platform like iOS. But is dedicated to helping developers write plug-in free games using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript that provide a fast, secure experience in many browsers.

In founder of Bocoup, Boaz Sender’s own words:

We want to help the throngs of programmers who have made the leap into Open Web game development to create a compendium of game development knowledge. The Internet Explorer team’s focus on hardware accelerated web standards made them the right partner for this project.

Over the next few months, the site will feature 50 tutorials from the coding basics of games to how to make money across a range of platforms. Follow @buildnewgames or @IE for the latest. We launch with 5 new pieces exclusive to the site:


Let’s help developers write cross-browser code. is part of our commitment towards helping developers write code that reliably works in all modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and IE10/9. The web hasn’t been an easy platform to code for in the past few years. Developers have to support more browsers than ever - including mobile versions and older desktop versions of IE. The result is a complex test matrix and higher development costs. We want see this problem get better - through standards body leadership and practical learning that developers can have confidence in.





You know, I like this version of Microsoft. The hungry, open, behind the 8 ball but still fighting, Open Source'y, no longer the [top|only] dog, Microsoft. I 'll bet the haters will poo-poo this, but can't we all agree that a open internet, a cross browser internet, is a better internet? And those working for that, no matter who, deserve a little respect or kudo's?

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