Thursday, April 05, 2012

NuGet 1.7 is out... - NuGet 1.7 Release Notes

Known Installation Issue

If you are running VS 2010 SP1, you might run into an installation error when attempting to upgrade NuGet if you have an older version installed.

The workaround is to simply uninstall NuGet and then install it from the VS Extension Gallery. See for more information.

Note: If Visual Studio won't allow you to uninstall the extension (the Uninstall button is disabled), then you likely need to restart Visual Studio using "Run as Administrator."


  • Support opening readme.txt file after installation
  • Show prerelease packages in the Manage NuGet packages dialog
  • Show Package Restore button when package files are missing
  • Add solution-level packages.config file

In previous versions of NuGet, each project has a packages.config file which keeps track of what NuGet packages are installed in that project. However, there was no similar file at the solution level to keep track of solution-level packages. As a result, there was no way to restore solution-level packages. This feature is now implemented in NuGet 1.7. The solution-level packages.config file is placed under the .nuget folder under solution root and will store only solution-level packages.

  • Remove New-Package command

Due to low usage, the New-Package command has been removed. Developers are recommended to use nuget.exe or the handy NuGet Package Explorer to create packages.

Bug Fixes

  • NuGet 1.7 has fixed many bugs around the Package Restore workflow and Network/Source Control scenarios. ...

I ran into the Known Issues above myself. If you're having problems updating (like the uninstall is disabled, errors, etc), check out those notes and suggestions.

I think my favorite item in this release is the Solution Level feature...

(via The Morning Brew - The Morning Brew #1080)

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